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Braun Watches

Authorised retailer for Braun Watches. Braun is one of the top appliance companies in the world. Braun are well known for making shaving equipment, but they are also an industry leader in oral care with the Oral-B brand. The Braun range is categorized by the pure, timeless design which has proven incredibly popular with customers.

Brand History

The story of Braun starts all the way back in 1921 when Max Braun, a mechanical engineer, established a small engineering shop in Frankfurt and started making components for radio sets. The Braun brand was introduced in 1935. Most of Braun's factories were destroyed during World War 2 and the company started again from scratch once the war finished. Braun became well known during the 1950's for the state of the art radio equipment they produced and they launched their shaving range. By the 1990's Braun were one of the leading manufacturers of home appliances and today they are well known for their range of shaving and oral care products. In 2010 Braun teamed up with Zeon Ltd to produce their first range of watches.

Modern Design

Braun's watches feature a brilliant modern design which has been the hallmark of the company for over half a century. Watches like this Braun Stainless Steel Ladies Watch and this Braun Black Rubber Gents Watch show off the pure, timeless design found throughout the Braun range of watches.

Reliable and Functional

Braun watches feature a wide range of functions and are known for being incredibly reliable. The wide range of watches features some with very basic functions and others with extra subdials, as well as an original watch with an extra digital display. The clean and clear design of the Braun watch collection means that even the watches featuring the most complex features look incredibly simple and easy to use.

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